Water Conservation Loans


Texas Water Development Board approved the PGCD loan request in January 2025 for the amount of 1 million dollars. This program loans funds to farmers for more efficient irrigation equipment, with an interest rate of 5.23%.

In 1992, Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District began its agricultural water conservation loan program to assist qualifying farmers in financing their irrigation sprinklers when making the shift from row watering to pivots which use substantially less water.  Since then, loans totaling around $13,000,000 have been disbursed.  With an interest rate of 5.23% and a payback term of 8 years, interested applicants are encouraged to download an application or contact our office at (806) 883-2501.

2025 Application Tools

Ag Loan Checklist & Application

Suitable documents from financial institutions may be substituted for documents marked with an asterisk (*).

The Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District will strive to develop, promote and implement water conservation, augmentation and management strategies to protect water resources for the benefit of the citizens, economy, and environment of the District.



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