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Water Quality Testing


NOTICE: As of May 26, 2022, the Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District will no longer accept public requests for water quality sampling.

Protection of water quality is expressed under the purpose section of Chapter 36 in the Texas Water Code as part of ‘waste prevention’. “Waste” is defined, in part, as the “pollution or harmful alternation of groundwater in a groundwater reservoir by saltwater or by other deleterious matter admitted from another stratum or from the surface of the ground”. PGCD


As part of the goals of the Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District, our staff samples wells within the District Water Quality Monitoring Network on a biennial basis and contracts with accredited laboratories for accurate results for the PGCD Annual Water Quality Program. Annual sampling of monitoring wells throughout the District assists in detecting changes in water quality as well as alert staff to possible aquifer contamination.

If you ever have a concern about the quality of your well water, please call us at 806-883-2501 for more information about accredited laboratories in the area. Alternatively, please click here to view the most recent list of laboratories accredited by the State of Texas under the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP).

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