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Xeriscape Garden


In 2011, Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District rebuilt the xeriscape garden on the East end of the building. The design was created by intern James Coffee, a landscape architecture student at Texas Tech University.

Our dedicated staff braved the record breaking heat to pull up dead plants and weeds, break concrete, lay the dry river bed and build the new garden.  To see the video of the transformation, visit our YouTube channel by clicking here.  For more information about installing your own xeriscape garden, please contact our office at 806-883-2501.

What is a Xeriscape Garden?

Xeriscape (Zeŕ-i-skap) is a method of gardening that requires choosing the appropriate plants for the location which can be maintained with little supplemental watering. Xeriscape is a term that was coined during the 1970’s in Denver, Colorado, to mean water efficient landscaping. Xeriscape was derived from the Greek word xeros, which means dry. Do not be misled to think about a landscape filled with cactus when referring to xeriscape gardening. Well-designed xeriscapes can be enchanting and beautiful.

Advantages to Xeriscape Gardening

  • Lower water bills

  • More water available for other uses and other people

  • Less time and work needed for maintenance

  • Little or no lawn mowing

  • Xeriscape plants, along with proper bed design, tend to take full advantage of rainfall

  • When water restrictions are implemented, xeriscape plants tend to survive

  • Increased habitat for native bees, butterflies, and other fauna

For more information about xeriscape gardens and a list of drought tolerant plants see our Xeriscape brochure.

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