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District Rules

In order to achieve the purpose of the District, the Rules and the Management Plan are the legal backbone that guide the people of the District. These documents give the guiding principles to each and every producer to promote conservation and minimize as far as is practical the drawdown of the aquifer.

The first rules for the District were adopted February 18, 1956 and have been amended 31 times as of January 11, 2024. The Rules and Management Plan are living documents that reflect the changing conditions of the aquifer and the social and economic realities of the citizens.

Current Rules as of January 11, 2024


District Management Plan

Since SB1 in 1997 the District has been required to formulate and submit a comprehensive management plan to the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB). The TWDB is required to certify the plan if it meets all of the criteria required. This Management plan must be updated at least every five years.

2024-2029 Management Plan


TDLR Water Well Plugging Rules

For more information on plugging water wells visit Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations for Plugging Water Wells.

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