

Public Education

The Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District is proud to participate in dozens of area events each year to promote water conservation education. In 2011, we formed an unprecedented partnership with the City of Amarillo and have since forged new territory in our group education efforts. Our public outreach increased by over 500% in one year, and we’re eager to expand even further.

In addition to booths at numerous fairs, conventions, and shows, our staff is available to visit your civic organization.

Educational Presentations

Our educational presentations program is designed to assist teachers as they teach students about water conservation, the water cycle, aquifer knowledge, playa lakes and sources of water. We also have an underground flow model to demonstrate what the aquifer looks like, how water flows beneath the Earth and how wells work. Our 5th grade education program was established in 1999.



For more information on any of our education programs please contact
Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District: 806-883-2501 


The Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District will strive to develop, promote and implement water conservation, augmentation and management strategies to protect water resources for the benefit of the citizens, economy, and environment of the District.



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