PGCD Rain Gauge Program

PGCD has a vast rain gauge network used to measure rainfall totals in all areas of the District. Rainfall varies greatly across the District from west to east, and rain gauges help obtain a more accurate average per county, rather than an average for the entire District.

The rainfall data collected is used within the District in many of our programs, especially our Precipitation Enhancement Program, which is designed to stimulate clouds to generate more rainfall than they would otherwise. On average, our precipitation enhancement program, produces an additional 10-15% increase in rainfall. The program operates from April through September.

 How it works

The Rain Gauge Program currently consists of 189 rain gauges that are read by either District Field Technicians or program partners. District rain gauges are read monthly during the Precipitation Enhancement Program period while partner rain gauges are read and recorded daily. The daily readings are recorded on a card which is mailed to our office at the end of each month. Partners in our Rain Gauge Program are provided a rain gauge, pre-paid postage rain gauge cards, and instructions on how to set up and read their rain gauge. After the District has received 12 months of readings, an Annual Precipitation Report is created and mailed to the partner.

To Become a Partner

To become a partner in our Rain Gauge Program, please contact the District Hydrogeologist, Ashley Ausbrooks, by email at or by phone at 806-883-2501.

Example of Annual Precipitation Report

The Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District will strive to develop, promote and implement water conservation, augmentation and management strategies to protect water resources for the benefit of the citizens, economy, and environment of the District.



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