Permits & Registrations
For questions or more information, please contact Julie Bennett by email or by calling 806-883-2501.
All wells drilled in the Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District must be registered or permitted. Click here for specifications regarding new well configuration, per PGCD’s rules.
Operating Permit
An Operating Permit is required for each Contiguous Acreage Tract that has existing and/or new permitted wells. An Operating Permit is required to establish Contiguous Acreage Tract boundaries, to obtain a Drilling Permit for a new well, and to quantify Maximum Allowable Volume for all permitted wells located within an individual Contiguous Acreage Tract. A permitted well is defined as a well with production pipe 2-inches in diameter or greater and producing more than 17.5 GPM, except as stipulated in Rule 5.1(a)(1-2).
Operating Permit Application
Drilling Permit
A Drilling Permit is required prior to drilling a new permitted well. Drilling a new well or increasing the size of an existing well or the size of the pump installed on an existing permitted well, without an Operating Permit and a Drilling Permit issued by the District is prohibited. All new wells are required to meet District spacing rules (Rule 8.1).
PGCD Spacing Guidelines
Registered Well
If a well is exempt from an Operating Permit and Drilling Permit, as specified under District Rule 5.1, then only a registration is required for the well(s). A registration is simply an acknowledgement from the District of the type of well and that the well does not require an Operating Permit and Drilling Permit from the District. This would be wells producing 17.5 gallons per minute or less. Rule 5 addresses well registrations.
Exempt Well Registration
Monitoring Well Registration
Test Hole
This application allows you to drill a test hole, but does not give authorization for pumping. There is no longer an individual Test Hole application. The test hole application is now page 3 of the Drilling Permit application and page 3 of the Exempt Well Registration. You will need to print/use either one of these forms and fill out page 3, which is the test hole application portion of the form. Then submit the entire 3 page form with your signature on the second (2nd) page.
Easement Form
If you want to drill a well closer to the property line than our spacing allows, click here for a water well easement for your neighbor to sign.
If you are still uncertain, contact Julie in our office at 806-883-2501.